Javier Ospina. Photographer.
An artist from Mérida, Venezuela, is a renowned graphic designer, animator, photographer, painter, and musician.
When he was still a student of Human Relations and Industrial Design at Andes University he won an award for best design in a regional contest and was sent to La Habana, Cuba to showcase his work.
Ospina was also part of an art and design investigation at Trazos Institute in Spain. Afterward, he established residence in the U.S., where he studied Advertising Design and where he currently attends his second year of Photography at Tulsa Technology Center. Among the awards obtained by Ospina are the first place in Photography in an Oklahoma State contest, with his work called El Mojado; 2nd place in the SkillsUSA talent search national contest, in May; and a scholarship for Digital Cinematography at Boston University, which he couldn’t use because of transferring conflicts between schools.
Ospina’s animation and advertising design résumé includes billboards designed for Back House Professionals, OK Miata and the 3rd Annual Global Festival “The Nature of Color” (in which he also participated as a painter).
Furthermore, Ospina has a portfolio of award-winning photography in many contests. His hand drawings and in various computer design programs have also given him recognition, beside his paintings collection “La Naturaleza del Color,” which he dedicated to his parents “for all their infinite support that he has received to achieve his dreams and do what he likes to do”. Currently, Ospina is finishing his first abstract and experimental video production project. for resume click here.